• 4 апреля 2017, вторник
  • Москва, Мясницкая, 24/7, стр. 3, «Розетка и кофе»

What is Civil Society? The Civic Realm and where to find it

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Открытые лектории ВШЭ
2582 дня назад
4 апреля 2017, начало в 19:00
Мясницкая, 24/7, стр. 3, «Розетка и кофе»

On April 4 you are kindly invited to the open talk «What is Civil Society? The Civic Realm and where to find it» within the HSE project «University Open to the City: HSE Talks».

Society is not only comprised of the state, the market, and the family. Between them, and interfering with them, lies the realm of civil society, a vast landscape of collective social action, which fascinated not only social scientists since the early days of their discipline, but also heavily concerns governments, market strategists, and education professionals in modern societies. This lecture gives an overview over the main approaches and models of academic thinking about the civic realm, while illustrating and discussing them in the light of examples from societies all over the world.

Lecturer Christian Fröhlich, PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Sociology,  Faculty of Social Sciences, HSE.

Start time: 19.00.

Working language is English.

Everyone interested is welcome to attend!

If you would like to attend, please, register here.

The participation fee is 200 rubles (free coffee, tea and sweets).

Venue: Moscow, Ulitsa Myasnitskaya, 24/7, Bldg. 3, Smart place «Rozetka & Coffee».


About the project «University Open to the City: HSE Talks»:

HSE Talks Club is a place, where everyone can dive into an international atmosphere with intellectual leisure. HSE professors from various countries will deliver open lectures in English on the most pressing topics in sociology, political science, psychology, neuroscience and other fields.  It is not only lectures in English, but also the practice of the English language and live communications. The meetings will take place at Rozetka & kofe (Socket and Coffee – Ulitsa Myasnitskaya, 24/7, Bldg. 3), an anti-coffee house where guests will be offered free hot drinks and desserts. Guests are welcome to actively participate in discussions related to both research and language studies.


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